picasaPhotos Changelog Current Version : 1.0.2 *** 1.0.2 *** Fix issue where images were not displaying *** 1.0.1 *** Fix for errors trying to view next page of images *** 1.0.0 *** Changes to addon.xml for Gotham Convert language strings.xml files to strings.po *** 0.9.7 *** Added Crypto library to hopefully fix errors *** 0.9.6 *** Change some error handling for better diagnostics *** 0.9.5 *** Now removes newlines from image titles Fix bug caused by deprecated md5/sha imports in the google APIs (again) *** 0.9.4 *** Fix bug caused by deprecated md5/sha imports in the google APIs *** 0.9.3 *** Changed 'Search Picasa' to 'Search PicasaWeb' Fix error when searching PicasWeb caused by missing thumbnails *** 0.9.2 *** Added the ability to download photos to defined writable file locations. Use 'Download' from photo context menu *** 0.9.1 *** Use image description when available Show maximum number of images when called from Plugin Slideshow Screensaver Changed name to PicasaWeb *** 0.9.0 *** Fix for photos with width greater than 2048 *** 0.8.9 *** Maps now at 720p *** 0.8.8 *** Enable display in hi-res when viewing photos *** 0.8.7 *** Handle videos Fix a bug where some private images would not show even when privacy filter allowed private *** 0.8.6 *** Changes for Eden Fixed captcha bug *** 0.8.5 *** Added 'Use Login' setting to enable/disable logins (Allows just browsing public photos and works around Windows SSL bug) *** 0.8.4 *** Added the ability to set view defaults from context menu *** 0.8.3 *** Added ability to filter by privacy level *** 0.8.2 *** Fixed bug when fetching contacts images Added Dutch language strings thaks to Michel de Bokx *** 0.8.1 *** Bug Fix: Added elementtree import to addon.xml *** 0.8.0 *** Initial release